Licensing Training

This was an all-day event for which I and lots of others took a day’s leave.  It was led by Barrister Leo Charalambides of Ely Place Chambers Licensing Group.  We covered lots of ground and it was pleasing to hear a case that we had covered in the past referred to by Leo as an example of good practice that he often quotes when training others.

It was all quite technical, but also very practical stuff.  I entirely approve of the advice to know your own authority’s statement of licensing policy well, and this particularly applies to me as my name is on it!

There was also some good advice about how to lay decisions out clearly, with their evidential basis, as this would hopefully make them more robust to appeal.

It was extremely useful having a day to reflect on licensing while not actually having a licensing decision to make and it was also fascinating hearing what a Barrister had to say when he wasn’t representing an applicant in a license hearing.  I am grateful to Leo for being so frank, honest and helpful.

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